Early childhood professionals frequently encounter issues pertaining to young children and families that will benefit from advocacy efforts. A person who advocates ensures that children are getting the best support possible. NAEYC includes a Statement of Commitment in their “Code of Ethical Conduct”. It states that each member should “serve as an advocate for children, their families, and their teachers in community and society.” (NAEYC, 2011). For this essay assignment you will examine your beliefs and experience with advocacy and explore why advocacy is an essential responsibility of professionals working with young children and families. Instructions: After reviewing the Unit Readings and Resources about advocating for children, in a 1-2 page essay, reflect on and answer the questions below. Provide examples and evidence from the course resources (remember to cite the sources that you use).
1. What have you learned in this unit about parents, families and teachers as advocates? How has what you learned changed your opinions/beliefs about child advocacy and about the role of teachers in supporting and promoting equity?
2. Examine the effectiveness of Dr. Pierson’s communication techniques in the TED Talk “Every Kid Needs a Champion”. How might you use Dr. Pierson’s techniques in your advocacy efforts for children and families?
• Submit a Word document in APA 7 format (with Title Page and Reference Page). • Minimum one to two (1-2) pages in length, excluding Title and Reference pages.
Be sure to read the criteria below by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.
CHS236 – Home, School, and Community
Unit 1 Assignment: Every Kid Needs a Champion & an Advocate
Evaluation Rubric for Unit 1 Assignment
CRITERIA 4 Exemplary
3 Proficient
2 Needs
1 Deficient
6 Points 5 Points 4 Points 0 – 3 Points Standard 6b. Knowing about and upholding ethical standards and other early childhood professional guidelines.
Well-written, explicitly detailed response that fully addresses key concepts and learning about parents and teachers as advocates, and the role of teachers in supporting and promoting advocacy.
Well-written, mostly complete and substantive response that addresses concepts and learning about parents and teachers as advocates, and the role of teachers in supporting and promoting advocacy.
Clearly written and somewhat complete response that addresses concepts and learning about parents and teachers as advocates, and the role of teachers in supporting and promoting advocacy.
Vaguely written response that Iacks detail. Minimal to no evidence of key concepts and learning about parents and teachers as advocates, and the role of teachers in supporting and promoting advocacy.
5 Points 4 Points 3 Points 0 – 2 Points Standard 6d. Integrating knowledgeable , reflective, and critical perspectives on early education
Discusses opinions, beliefs, and effective communication techniques. Uses clear, compelling, and relevant examples from readings and resources to illustrate main concepts and learning about advocacy.
Discusses opinions, beliefs, and effective communication techniques. Uses mostly clear, compelling, and relevant examples from readings and resources to illustrate main concepts and learning about advocacy.
Adequate discussion of opinions, beliefs, and effective communication techniques. Provides some relevant examples from readings and resources to illustrate main concepts and learning about advocacy.
Inadequate discussion of opinions, beliefs, and effective communication techniques. Little to no use of relevant examples from readings and resources to illustrate main concepts and learning about advocacy.
3 Points 2 Points 1 Points 0 Points
Paper Length Standard SS3 Student is proficient in reading and writing.
Fully meets minimum length requirement.
Mostly meets minimum length requirement.
Somewhat meets minimum length requirement.
Significantly missed minimum length requirement.
3 Points 2 Points 1 Points 0 Points Grammar, Spelling and Sentence Structure. Standard SS3 Student is proficient in reading and writing.
Writing and format are clear, professional and error free.
Few errors that do not impede professional presentation.
Significant errors that do not impede professional presentation.
Errors impede professional presentation; guidelines not followed.
3 Points 2 Points 1 Points 0 Points APA Format including APA Title and Reference Pages Standard SS3 Student is proficient in reading and writing.
APA compliant. Few errors in APA.
Significant errors in APA.
APA not followed.
Evaluation Rubric for Unit 1 Assignment