SIPOC Exercise
Create a SIPOC for the scenario below. Start with the customer and work back to the supplier (COPIS focus). You should address the following subjects:
· Customer – Whoever receives the output of your process.
· Output – The material or data that results from the operation of a process.
· Process – The activities you must perform to satisfy your customer’s requirements.
· Input – The material or data that a process does something to or with.
· Supplier – Whoever provides the input to your process.
This should be 1 page long.
The scenario:
Strategic Alignment Scenario
You are an internal organizational change management consultant in the organizational change management (OCM) department of Puget Sound Energy (PSE). PSE is a Washington based Energy Company that offers electric, gas, and liquefied natural gas to both residential and commercial customers. PSE leadership conducts an annual risk assessment, and a risk has been identified in the current customer service delivery structure.
The risk
Having key service actions out of the direct control of PSE leadership was the following issues:
· Long service delivery times for customers
· Customers had difficulty in understanding who to contact to resolve issues
· Coordination between the leadership of the two companies proved time-consuming and misunderstandings resulted
The current state
For many years PSE customers were served by employees of a contracting company (Company X)that handled the installment of power lines, connecting power to home and businesses, and other services as required. Company X has 1200 employees in a variety of positions that were exclusively dedicated to the PSE account. The list shows the positions that will be transitioned from Company X to PSE.
· Project Managers – 28 positions
· Project managers role is to ensure that all customer projects (new building, or supporting current customers) are delivered on time and budget
· Project Supervisors – 5 positions
· PM Supervisors will supervise the work of the PMs and will be responsible for territories, and not specific types of customers.
· Project Schedulers – 10 positions
· Project schedules will work with the Company X supervisors and managers to schedule teams of Company X employees to do the work required by PSE customers. Project schedulers will report to the same projects supervisor for their assigned territory.
· Manager of Construction & Service Projects – 2 positions.
· Managers supervise the Project Supervisors. They also are charged with the coordination of all activities with the leadership of Company X.
The remaining approximately 1130 employees are direct service providers and will remain employees of Company X and will report to a Company X supervisor/manager.
The OCM Challenge The transition for external delivery of customer services to more services held in-house will require writing internal job descriptions, hiring, and determining new processes and procedures. The new organization within PSE will require higher levels of leadership changes that have yet to be determined. The OCM consultant group has been asked to help with the project plan and to drive the people side of the change.