Literary Analysis Essay
This week you will have the opportunity to practice the skills of finding peer-reviewed sources and integrating material from these secondary (outside) sources into your writing.
First, go to the South University Online Library and find at least one credible, peer-reviewed scholarly source that relates to your essay comparing The Odyssey and one of the following texts:
The Song of Roland
Dante’s Inferno
Ideally, these sources will support the argument that you developed in your essay for Week 4.
Next, retrieve the essay you submitted to the Week 4: draft discussion, along with the feedback about it that you received from your instructor and peers. Open a new Word document and copy and paste only the introduction of the Week 4 essay onto it. Decide whether to revise the introduction based on feedback from your instructor and/or additional ideas that you might have had since you first wrote it. Go ahead and make any revisions you consider necessary.
After that, or if you do not wish to revise the introduction, copy and paste the next paragraph to your document, review it and revise as necessary, substantiating and reinforcing (when necessary and appropriate) your argument with quotes, paraphrases, or summaries from the peer-reviewed source that you retrieved from the library. Remember that quoted material should not exceed 25% of the essay.
Repeat this process with all the essay’s paragraphs up through the conclusion. After incorporating scholarly material into your paper, it should be between 1,000 to 1,200 words long.
Now that you have copied, pasted, and revised all the essay’s paragraphs, go over the paper to determine if it is properly formatted in APA style (from start to finish) and includes in-text and reference list citations, which also should be formatted in APA style. Next, use the spell-check tool in Microsoft Word to identify misspellings. Finally, read through the essay one last time, looking for typos and glitches that spell check might have missed.
Name your document SU_ENG2002_W5_A2_LastName_FirstInitial.doc.
By the due date assigned, submit your essay in a Microsoft Word document to the Submissions Area.