develop a Project Scope, including a Work Breakdown Schedule (WBS), for Cosmos, Inc. or your selected business, using the Project Management Plan template.
This portfolio work project focuses on the Project Scope, including a Work Breakdown Schedule (WBS), for Cosmos, Inc. or your selected business. These are the next key components of your Project Management Plan.
Option A: Based on the analysis completed by a task force at Cosmo, Inc., the marketing department must develop, implement, and test a new marketing campaign focused on maintaining current customer levels and increasing their customer base through the utilization of new technology. Refer to the Cosmo, Inc. Business Case document for more information.
Option B: You may choose to continue using your selected business.
Your Role
For both Option A and B, you are the project manager.
Using the Project Plan Template, include the following in the Project Scope and Work Breakdown Schedule sections of your Project Management Plan:
Project Scope Overview.
This describes the background and context for the project and why it is being undertaken. This is the business value of the work being performed.
Project Scope Description.
Develop a scope section, including the types of deliverables, the life-cycle process, types of data, sources or databases, and organizations that are included in this project.
Explain what is in scope and what is not in scope.
Acceptance Criteria.
Describe required work for successful project completion. This is to be only required work.
List deliverables to be performed and not performed as part of this project. Indicate constraint(s), dependencies, assumptions, and mitigation strategies.
Work Breakdown Structure (WBS).
Develop a work breakdown schedule. This includes an introduction and graphical representation of the totality of work identified in the Project Scope. Note: You may create graphical examples in Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, or Visio and save as a .jpeg picture to be inserted into your plan.
Deliverable Format
Utilize Project Management Plan template.
References: There is no set number of references required for this assessment. Use scholarly or academic sources where applicable.
Use the Project Scope and Work Breakdown Schedule components of the template provided.
The Project Scope and WBS are professional documents and should therefore follow the corresponding MBA Academic and Professional Document Guidelines, including single-spaced paragraphs.
Use APA style and format for references and in-text citations.
Length: Utilize the template, including the title page and reference page.
By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies through corresponding scoring guide criteria:
Competency 2: Evaluate organizational needs to apply project management frameworks.
Explain what is in scope and what is not in scope.
Describe required work for successful project completion.
Competency 3: Apply project management concepts to plan all aspects needed for project completion.
Develop a scope section.
Develop a work breakdown structure.
Competency 4: Communicate project management needs, opportunities, and strategies with multiple stakeholders.
Communicate in a manner that is professional and consistent with expectations for members of the project management profession.