In this assignment, you will explore the roles integrity, authority, and discretionary power play when addressing an adult defendant and a juvenile defendant.
Now that you’ve reviewed the resources about integrity, authority, and discretionary power, you are familiar with the definition of each and the relationship among them. In this 350- to 500-word journal entry, address the following:
Explain the relationship between integrity, authority, and discretionary power:
Define each: integrity, authority, and discretionary power.
Compare and contrast each: How are they different? How are they similar? How are they connected?
Describe the roles integrity, authority, and discretionary power play in all aspects of criminal justice when addressing an adult defendant.
Describe the roles integrity, authority, and discretionary power play in all aspects of criminal justice when addressing a juvenile defendant.
Explain the differences in the roles integrity, authority, and discretionary power play when addressing an adult defendant versus addressing a juvenile defendant:
Does one play a more vital role than others in either instance?
Provide a rationale as to why changes occur when going from adult to juvenile or vice versa.
Specifically, the following rubric criteria must be addressed:
Explain the relationship between integrity, authority, and discretionary power.
Describe the roles integrity, authority, and discretionary power play in all aspects of criminal justice when addressing an adult defendant.
Describe the roles integrity, authority, and discretionary power play in all aspects of criminal justice when addressing a juvenile defendant.
Explain the differences in the roles integrity, authority, and discretionary power play when addressing an adult defendant versus addressing a juvenile defendant.
Guidelines for Submission
This assignment should be 350–500 words in length. Any references must be cited in APA format. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.
Note: For journal assignments, you can receive a Proficient, Needs Improvement, or Not Evident score on each of your rubric criteria. There is no Exemplary score for this assignment because you will receive feedback and make revisions to improve beyond proficiency in these concepts.