Turning points are significant events in history that become catalysts for change. These changes, for example, can inspire legislation and war, cause victory or defeat, and lead to the evolution of national ideologies. Some turning points are more obvious than others and are referenced often in the study of history, while others may not be. It is our continued analysis of historical events that determine these significant moments and how they have helped shape the culture of the United States. For your final assessment, you will be identifying, describing, and analyzing a major turning point in U.S. history between the years 1400 and 1865. Instructions: In your paper, you must include the following:
• Why you believe the turning point is in fact a significant moment in U.S. History.
• Describe the causes and events that led to the turning point.
• Analyze how the turning point changed the course of history in the United States.
• Evaluate the impact of the turning point on today’s society.
• Well-organized essay including a thesis statement, multiple body paragraphs, and a
conclusion beyond a component of the paper.
• 3-5 pages (not including title page and reference page)
• Use of 5 or more sources.
• Use of 2 primary source documents.
• APA citations used throughout paper and a completed APA reference list.
Be sure to read the criteria by which your work will be evaluated before you write and again after you write.
HIS201 – United States History I
Turning Point Research Paper
Copyright 2022 Post University, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
CRITERIA Deficient Needs
Improvement Proficient
0-1 points 2-3 points 4-5 points
Thesis Statement Was not approved by instructor.
Was approved by instructor with revisions; revisions were not completed or still needs additional development.
Approved by instructor; revisions (if necessary) are sufficient.
0-10 points 11-15 points 16-20 points
Why do you believe the turning point is in fact a significant moment in U.S. history?
Demonstrates minimal understanding of question/topic; answers questions but lacks specific, credible and relevant examples.
Demonstrates understanding of question/topic; minimally supported with specific, credible and relevant examples.
Demonstrates complete and thorough understanding of the question/topic; supported with a broad spectrum of specific, credible and relevant examples.
Describe the causes and events that led to the turning point.
Demonstrates minimal understanding of the cause and effects of the turning point; lacks specific, credible and relevant examples.
Demonstrates understanding of the cause and effects of the turning point; minimally supported with specific, credible and relevant examples.
Demonstrates complete and thorough understanding of the cause and effects of the turning point; supported with a braod spectrum of specific, credible and relevant examples.
Analyze how the turning point changed the course of history in the United States
Show minimal analysis; answer includes more of a summary then an analysis; lacks specific, credible and relevant examples.
Analysis evident with stronger focus on summary over thought; minimally supported with specific, credible and relevant examples.
Analysis is thoughtful and persuasive; supported with a broad spectrum of specific, credible and relevant examples.
Evaluate the impact of the turning point on today’s society
Impact of turning point on today’s society is missing or shows minimal
Impact of turning point on today’s society is relevant; shows connection
Impact of turning point on today’s society is presented in a
Copyright 2022 Post University, ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
connection; lacks specific, credible, and relevant examples.
and analysis; minimally supported with specific, credible and relevant examples.
thoughtful, analytical and persuasive manner; supported with a broad spectrum of specifiv, credible and relevant examples.
0-5 points 6-10 points 11-15 points
Organization, Grammar, Spelling, and Sources
Lacks organization, clarity, polish; minimal proficiency in grammar and spelling; 0-2 appropriate references cited; reference page and in-text citations include many errors or are rarely used throughout paper.
Demonstrates organization, logic and clarity. Demonstrates proficiency in grammar and spelling; 3-4 appropriate references cited; reference page and in-text citations may include errors; missing primary source documents.
Organized, logical and clearly articulated; polished, demonstrates a high level of proficiency in grammar and spelling. Five or more appropriate references cited; proper reference page included; includes 2 primary source documents.