Directions: Please complete the following homework assignment using SPSS and the Cronk textbook/website. **All data files can be found on the Cronk textbook website. See instructions for accessing the website in Canvas.** Please note, specific data files and variables used in this homework assignment may vary from the book and video examples. Please use what is indicated in the template for analysis. You may copy and paste output tables in this template using the right-click function. Be sure to highlight all written responses. Written responses should follow the examples in the Cronk textbook and include 3 components: the analysis performed/variables used, statistical values/findings, and a brief interpretation of findings.
Chapter 1
1. Examining Output Files: Practice Exercise (Section 1.5 & 1.6; Video 1.6 – pages 8-10; “Sample (modified in 1.7)” data file): Copy and paste your descriptive output for GRADE below.
2. Examining Output Files: Practice Exercise (Section 1.5 & 1.6; Video 1.6 – pages 8-10; “Sample (modified in 1.7)” data file): Copy and paste your descriptive output for DAY below.
Chapter 2
1. Selecting and transforming data: Activity (Section 2.2 (no video example); follow pages 15-17 in Cronk textbook; “Sample (modified in 1.7)” data file):
Select cases if TIME =1. Copy and paste your descriptive output for GRADE below.
Chapter 3
1. Frequency distributions: Activity (Section 3.1; follow pages 21-23 in Cronk textbook; “Data Set 1 from Appendix B” data file):
Copy and paste your frequency output (frequency table) for MARITAL below.
2. Frequency Distributions and Percentile Ranks: Practice Exercise (Video 3.1 – Page 23-25; “Data Set 1 from Appendix B” data file):
a. Copy and paste your frequency output (frequency table) for AGE below.
b. What AGE lies at the 80th percentile? Be sure to include the table that shows this output. ________________________
3. Frequency Distributions and Percentile Ranks for multiple variables: Practice Exercise (Video 3.2 – Page 25-27; “Data Set 1 from Appendix B” data file):
a. Copy and paste your crosstabs output for SEX and MARITAL status below.
b. Respond to the following questions in complete sentences.
i. Describe the number of participants in each combination of the variables SEX and MARITAL.
ii. What percentage of total participants are SINGLE?
iii. What number and percentage of total participants are MALE and MARRIED?
4. Measures of Central Tendency: Practice Exercise (Video 3.3 – Page 28-31; “GRADES” data file):
a. Copy and paste your descriptive/frequency output for the FINAL grades of participants below.
b. Respond to the following questions:
i. What is the mean? ¬¬¬¬____
ii. What is the median? _____
iii. What is the mode? ______
iv. What is the standard deviation? ____
v. What is the minimum? _____
vi. What is the maximum? _____
vii. What is the range? _____
5. Measures of Central Tendency for multiple groups: Practice Exercise (Video 3.4 – Page 31-35; “GRADES” data file):
a. Copy and paste your output for the means of FINAL grade * INSTRUCTOR for participants below. (NOTE: IV= INSTRUCT; DV= FINAL)
b. Respond to the following questions:
i. What is the average final grade (with standard deviation) of participants with instructor #1? _________
ii. What is the average final grade (with standard deviation) of participants with instructor #2? __________
iii. What is the average final grade (with standard deviation) of participants with instructor #3? _______
Chapter 4
1. Charts: Practice Exercise (Video 4.2 – Page 38-43; “GRADES” data file):
a. Copy and paste your histogram that represents FINAL grade and displays a normal curve below.
b. Copy and paste a bar chart that represents the frequencies for the variable REQUIRED below.
2. Advanced Charts: Practice Exercise (Video 4.5 – Page 47-49; “GRADES” data file):
Copy and paste your cluster bar graph examining the relationship between FINAL grade (as the DV) and INSTRUCT & REQUIRED (as the IV) below.
Chapter 5
1. Pearson Correlation: Practice Exercise (Video 5.1 – Page 51- 55; “Data Set 2 from Appendix B” data file):
a. Copy and paste your correlation matrix for the relationship between years of EDUCATION and years of SERVICE (YOS).
b. Phrase your results of this output using complete sentences following the format of the examples in the textbook.
2. Spearman Correlation: Practice Exercise (Video 5.2 – Page 55-58; “Data Set 2 from Appendix B” data file):
a. Copy and paste your correlation matrix for the relationship between SALARY and SEX below.
b. Phrase your results of this output using complete sentences following the format of the examples in the textbook.
3. Simple Linear Regression: Practice Exercise (Video 5.3 – Page 58- 62; “Data Set 2 from Appendix B” data file):
a. Copy and paste your output (Model Summary, ANOVA summary table, and Table of Coefficients) to predict SALARY (DV) from years of EDUCATION (IV) below.
b. Using the output, answer the questions below. Phrase your responses using complete sentences and following the format of the examples in the textbook.
i. What salary would you predict for someone with 8 years of education? (Include the equation used to determine answer).
ii. What salary would you predict for someone with 12 years of education? (Include the equation used to determine answer).
4. Multiple Linear Regression: Practice Exercise (Video 5.4 – Page 62-67; “Data Set 2 from Appendix B” data file):
a. Copy and paste your output (Model Summary, ANOVA summary table, and Table of Coefficients) to predict SALARY (DV) based on EDUCATION and years of SERVICE (IVs) below.
b. Using the output, answer the questions below. Phrase your responses using complete sentences and following the format of the examples in the textbook.
i. Discuss (phrase) the results of your output.
ii. Which variables are significant predictors?
Chapter 6
1. Single-Sample t test: Practice Exercise (Video 6.2 – Page 71-74; “GRADES” data file):
a. Copy and paste your output (Sample Statistics, One-Sample Test) from the single-sample t-test examining if FINAL grade of participants is different from the school average of 82 below.
b. Using the output, answer the questions below. Phrase your responses using complete sentences and following the format of the examples in the textbook.
i. Discuss (phrase) the results of your output.
ii. Was the mean grade of the participants significantly greater than the school average? (Please note this is a directional hypothesis.)
2. Independent-Samples t test: Practice Exercise (Video 6.3 – Page 74-77; “Data Set 1 from Appendix B” data file):
a. Copy and paste your output (Group Statistics, Independent Samples Test) for mathematics SKILL scores by AGE GROUPS below. Use 35 as the cutoff to classify your age groups as young “1” (0-35) and old “2” (36+).
b. Using the output, answer the questions below. Phrase your responses using complete sentences and following the format of the examples in the textbook.
i. Discuss (phrase) the results of your output.
3. Paired-Samples t test: Practice Exercise (Video 6.4 – Page 78-82; “Grades” data file):
a. Copy and paste your output (Sample Statistics, Samples Correlations, Paired Samples Test) to determine if scores increased from MIDTERM to FINAL below.
b. Using the output, answer the questions below. Phrase your responses using complete sentences and following the format of the examples in the textbook.
i. Discuss (phrase) the results of your output.
Chapter 7
1. One-Way ANOVA: Practice Exercise (Video 7.2 – Page 83- 88; “Grades” data file):
a. Copy and paste your output (Descriptives, ANOVA, Multiple Comparisons, Tukey HSD) to determine if PRETEST exam scores are significantly different for students enrolled in groups with different INSTRUCTORS (Groups 1, 2, 3).
b. Using the output, answer the questions below. Phrase your responses using complete sentences and following the format of the examples in the textbook.
i. Discuss (phrase) the results of your output.
2. Repeated-Measures ANOVA: Practice Exercise Video 7.4 – Pages 94-99; “Data Set 3 from Appendix B” data file):
a. Copy and paste your output (Within-Subjects Factors, Multivariate Tests, Tests of Within-Subjects Effects, Tests of Within-Subjects Contrasts, Tests of Between-Subjects Effects, & Estimated Marginal Means) to determine if ANXIETY levels of participants changed over time (regardless of which treatment they received) below. If significant, be sure to include output from protected dependent t tests.
b. Using the output, answer the questions below. Phrase your responses using complete sentences and following the format of the examples in the textbook.
i. Discuss (phrase) the results of your output.