Choose one of the surgical specialities covered in Module Two, that you are interested in examining for this essay. Discuss anatomy and physiology related to the chosen surgical speciality. Critically analyse specific considerations of the surgical speciality that have the potential to affect patient care management throughout the perioperative continuum (preoperative, intraoperative and postoperative. The introduction must clearly and succinctly outline the chosen speciality and outline the potential perioperative nursing management issues to be analysed in the essay. The body of the essay should critically analyse the perioperative nursing considerations related to your chosen speciality and the required interventions to manage patient care through the perioperative continuum. Your essay needs to critically analyse information using peer-reviewed, evidence-based literature within 10 years of publication and refer to recent contemporary perioperative nursing standards and guidelines. This essay case review requires you to select a patient of interest to you, that you have cared in your workplace, that has undergone one of the surgical specialities covered in Module 2. Gynaecology) In your essay, explore the patients’ clinical episode by introducing the patient and the rationale for selecting them. You will then outline your nursing role (anaesthetic/ post anaesthetic, instrument, or circulating); the clinical care you provided and delivered during the phase of care related to your nursing role. Throughout your essay: case review, you are to provide a critical analysis about the patient care provided, based on current peer reviewed literature and contemporary perioperative nursing evidence. Give a brief introduction of the chosen patient so the marker knows what you are taking about. A few lines.