Blueprint for Healthy Aging, Plan to Address the Problem And Facilitate Healthy Aging And Plan to Measure Progress/Effectiveness
[WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 2, 4, 6, 7, 8]Your written assignment this week is to develop a two to three page draft of the fourth and fifth sections of your Blueprint for Healthy Aging, Plan to Address the Problem and Facilitate Healthy Aging and Plan to Measure Progress/Effectiveness.
For this section, you will identify a plan/strategy to address the specific problem/challenge addressed in your Blueprint for Healthy Aging. You should identify a specific goal or outcome (or set of goals and outcomes) reflecting a change or solution to the problem which will reflect a model of “healthy aging.”
Next, outline your plan, as concretely and specifically as possible, to address the problem. Your plan should be informed and supported by and include application of relevant theories and concepts covered in the course as well as existing research. If policy, legal or regulatory changes or proposals are deemed necessary (as identified in Week 4), you should discuss the specific changes/proposals and include justification for each recommendation. This section should also include analysis and discussion of potential challenges or barriers to implementation of the proposal, including material from the readings covered this week (e.g., ageism, individual and cultural values, etc.) as well as recommendations regarding solutions to overcome or address each barrier or challenge identified.
Next, outline your plan to measure progress/effectiveness: In this section, you will identify strategies to measure outcomes, progress and effectiveness of the plan. Specifically, discuss how the implemented changes will be measured to determine their effectiveness in addressing the problem/challenge and promoting healthy aging?
Required Resources
Bengtson, V. L., Gans, D., Putney, N. M., & Silverstein, M. (Eds.). (2016). Handbook of theories of aging (3rd ed.). Springer.
· Chapter 27: Successful Aging
· Chapter 28: Coping, Optimal Aging, and Resilience in Sociocultural Context
· Chapter 29: Religion, Spirituality, and Aging
Fredriksen-Goldsen, K. I., & Muraco, A. (2010). Aging and sexual orientation: A 25-year review of the literature. Research on Aging, 32(3), 372-413.
Jopp, D., & Smith, J. (2006). Resources and life-management strategies as determinants of successful aging: on the protective effect of selection, optimization, and compensation. Psychology and Aging, 21(2), 253- 265.
North, M. S., & Fiske, S. T. (2013). Act your (old) age prescriptive, ageist biases over succession, consumption, and identity. Personality and Social Psychology Bulletin, 39(6), 720-734.
Zhang, Y. B., Harwood, J., Williams, A., Ylänne-McEwen, V., Wadleigh, P. M., & Thimm, C. (2006). The portrayal of older adults in advertising: A cross-national review. Journal of Language and Social Psychology, 25(3), 264-282.
TED. (2012, April 19). Laura Carstensen: Older people are happier (Links to an external site.) [Video]. YouTube.
· In the 20th century we added an unprecedented number of years to our lifespans, but is the quality of life as good? Surprisingly, yes! At TEDxWomen psychologist Laura Carstensen shows research that demonstrates that as people get older they become happier, more content, and have a more positive outlook on the world.
Recommended Resources
Cisneros, H., Dyer-Chamberlain, M., & Hickie, J. (Eds.). (2012). Independent for life: Homes and neighborhoods for an aging America. University of Texas Press.
Irving, P. (2014). The upside of aging: How long life Is changing the world of health, work, innovation, policy and purpose. John Wiley & Sons.
Bullock, K., Crawford, S. L., & Tennstedt, S. L. (2003). Employment and caregiving: Exploration of African American caregivers. Social Work, 48(2), 150-162.
USC Leonard Davis School of Geronotoly. (2008, September 11). USC Davis gerontology – Bob Knight (Links to an external site.) [Video]. YouTube.
· Dr. Bob Knight, professor of gerontology, discusses the subject of sex and aging, focusing on such topics as dementia, Viagra, and misperceptions.
ChangingAging. (2014, April 28). The roots and consequences of ageism in America (Links to an external site.) [Video]. YouTube.
· What is the root of ageism in our society? Dr. Bill Thomas argues that our society venerates and idealizes youth while ignoring elders with real lived experience and making them virtually invisible.