Directions: Read through several recent scientific magazines (publications: Science, National Geographic, Discover, New Scientist, Scientific American For Current Event Essay #1, look for an article related to Physics or Chemistry.
Each Current Event Essay must include:
Title of Primary Source Article [note – only 1 primary source article is required; however, most students utilize at least 2 related articles plus their textbook]
Primary Source Article Author and Discussion of Author Qualifications[note – if the chosen article is a summary of a scientific journal article, include qualifications of both the article author and the research scientist]
Summary of Primary Source Article – IN YOUR OWN WORDS [suggested length = minimum 2 paragraphs]
Critique of Primary Source Article – IN YOUR OWN WORDS [this section should be the bulk of your essay, suggested length = minimum 4 paragraphs]
Specifically address the following questions:
How does the topic of the article affect the Earth as a whole?
How does this article relate to my life?
References (APA format preferred citation generatorLinks to an external site.)
Please use the above 6 numbers/headings to organize your essay.
What is a Critique? A book report only summarizes the article. A critical essay is you explaining what you think of their data. For a 750-word essay, the summary should only be about one or two paragraph long (or about ¼ or so of the document). The rest of the report should be your thoughts about the topic. Analyze the pros and cons of the article. Is the author presenting good science or just opinion? Is the author a recognized expert? How could the article be improved?
What is Good Science? The instructions above ask you to evaluate whether the article is ‘good science’. DO NOT just tell me it is ‘good science’. Explain why. Start by asking yourself these questions: Did they try and use the scientific method (Ch. 1)? Did they support the conclusions with facts? Did they provide the facts or a reference to them? If the answer is no to any of those basic questions, then it’s probably not good quality science, and you probably need to find a supplemental article to add additional support to your essay.