Assignments Essay 1: Winnipeg, History, and Rooster Town Length: 1500 words, or 5-6 pages. Value: 25% of final grade Goal • For this assignment, write a roughly 1,500-word essay that analyzes the history of Winnipeg, Rooster Town, and commemoration. Procedure • Write an essay that discusses the connections between Winnipeg, the Metis “suburb” of Rooster Town, and commemoration. How has Rooster Town been commemorated, or not, and what does that tell us about the history of Winnipeg and Canada and how they have been understood or misunderstood? • Support your analysis information available in the Peters et al book, Rooster Town. • No additional research is required. You may want to do some research to help you understand what is being commemorated, but your essay should avoid focusing too much on general information gleaned from online sources. When you do consult additional sources, they should be properly documented. Your essay should focus on supporting your analysis through relevant course material. • You should be able to summarize your analysis in a clear thesis statement that is supported throughout the body of the essay. • Document your sources the Chicago style, or footnotes/endnotes and a bibliography.
Essay 1 Rubric Does not meet expectations (F to D) Meets Expectations (C to B) Exceeds Expectations (B+ to A+) Basic Requirements Essay analyzes Rooster Town, Commemoration, and Winnipeg’s History. Essay is the specified length (approximately 5-6 pages typed and double-spaced in 12 pt. font) Content Essay has a clear thesis and a convincing argument. Essay demonstrates a good understanding of Peters et al, Roostertown. Essay uses Chicago style documentation correctly. Structure/Style Essay has a clear structure and is well organized. Essay’s sentences are clear and grammatically correct, wording is intelligible, spelling and punctuation are correct. Group Project Length: 50-100 words, or 1-2 pages. Value: 5% of final grade In groups of roughly 5-7 decided in class, compose a commemoration of Roostertown. You will all receive the same grade for this project. Your commemoration can be a plaque, a video, a script for a video, a statue, or a museum exhibit. For this assignment, you should collectively write the text for your commemoration, or, if it is visual, provide a script or description of it. This should be roughly 50-100 words.