‘’A critical analysis of intergenerational Equity in light of the decision in Urgenda vs Netherlands.
Court things on the present (presentism vs futurism)’’
Concept itself- How it was applied in the decision of the court
1st half
Theory and philosophy
2nd half
Practical application
How the case law will develop? How important is the concept?
Introduction- Climate change- the problematic
Basic principles of International Environmental Law (brief, footnotes, cases)
• Intergenerational Equity (the main principle of the case) Refer to UNFCCC.
• Presentism vs futurism
• Moral obligations
Justification of the philosophy in court
Principle 21 Stockholm
Soft law
– not apply the hard law.
Expanding case law:
Urgenda vs Netherlands- what potential is there in the future for the climate change? ( other cases)
Present —— Earth (hold the planet or earth) ————-Future (Intergenerational equity)