GEN145 Final Assignment – Annotated References; the parts of the assignment
For this assignment, you should choose two sources which you have used in your GEN145 Persuasive Research Paper. For each source, you should provide;
1. A complete APA reference
2. An extended summary containing the main idea and the key points of the source.
3. A paragraph evaluating the source.
4. A paragraph reflecting on ways in which the source changed the way you looked at the topic, your research process or your ideas for your paper
GEN145 Final Assignment – Annotated References; guidelines
1. The APA reference should be complete.
2. The extended summary of your source should be formatted as follows;
a. A citation and the main idea in the first sentence
b. The body of the summary should show the key points contained in the source. These should be linked so that the summary forms a cohesive paragraph
As a guideline, each summary should be under 250 words.
If you have chosen a longer source (e.g. a journal article) you may summarize the more important section(s) of the source (e.g. the discussion or conclusions section). It is not acceptable to simply paraphrase the abstract provided with a source.
3. The paragraph evaluating the source should discuss a number of the following;
a. relevance
b. reliability and bias
c. currency
d. accuracy
When evaluating the source, you should refer to details of the source to support your evaluation. You should also refer to your own research project, for example when discussing relevance to your topic and research direction or the need for currency in your sources.
4. The reflective paragraph should discuss how the source changed or affected the way you saw your topic, your research process or your ideas for the content of your paper. The following questions may be helpful to guide your reflection;
a. Did the source help you to see your topic in a new way? How?
b. Did the source influence your research in any way? How?
c. Did the source play an important part in helping you decide the sections and supporting points in your outline?
d. How did the source influence your final paper?
Levels of Achievement
Criteria Exemplary (A) Accomplished (A-/B+/B) Developing (B-/C+/C) Beginning (C-/ D+/ D) UNSATISFACTORY (F)
Summary; including APA reference
Weight 25.00% 90.00 to 100.00 %
APA referencing and citation conventions are respected with only very minor inaccuracies. The summary presents clearly the main idea of the original. The body of the summary gives a very clear impression of the ideas covered in the original and the author’s intent. Paraphrase is effective with only very minor slips. Organisation and cohesion are well managed. 80.00 to 89.00 %
APA referencing and citation conventions are mostly respected. The main idea of the original is show, possibly with minor omissions, inaccuracies or slightly too much detail. The body of the summary presents the majority of the ideas covered in the original and the author’s intent is evident. Paraphrase is generally effective, although there may be isolated instances where the summary is too close to the original wording or where attempts at paraphrase make meaning slightly unclear. Organisation and cohesion are reasonably well managed. 70.00 to 79.00 %
There is an attempt to use APA referencing and citation conventions with some success. The there is an attempt to show the main idea of the source, although there may be a lack of clarity or focus. Some key ideas from the source are included, although there may be some omissions or a failure to separate detail from key points. There are some examples of effective paraphrase. However, attempts at paraphrase may lead to lack of clarity or copying of the original in a number of places. There is some evidence of effective organisation and linking of ideas. 60.00 to 69.00 %
An awareness of APA referencing and citation conventions is evident, but attempts are mostly inaccurate. There is evidence of an awareness of the need to extract the main idea and key points from the text, but the summary may be mostly unsuccessful in achieving this. Some instances of effective paraphrase are evident, but the summary is characterised by mostly ineffective paraphrase. Attempts have been made to organise and link ideas, but these are largely unsuccessful. 0.00 to 59.00 %
APA referencing and citation is not attempted or clearly not understood. The summary has been unsuccessful in showing a main idea or identifying key points. Paraphrase has been completely or almost completely ineffective, either because of copying from the original or an inability to convey the original meaning in the writer’s own words. There is no evidence of an attempt to organise and link ideas clearly.
Evaluation of Source
Weight 25.00% 90.00 to 100.00 %
A number of criteria for evaluation are included. In each case, elements of the text are clearly, explicitly and correctly described to support the evaluation. The evaluation makes reference to the research project and written paper where the source is used. Organisation and cohesion of this section are well managed. 80.00 to 89.00 %
A number of criteria for evaluation are included, although the depth of evaluation in each case may vary. In some cases, elements of the text are clearly, explicitly and correctly described to support the evaluation. The evaluation may make little or no reference to the research project and written paper where the source is used. Organisation and cohesion are reasonably well managed. 70.00 to 79.00 %
At least two criteria for evaluation are included. The depth of evaluation may vary. In at least one case, there is a reasonable attempt to reference elements of the text to support the evaluation. The evaluation makes little or no reference to the research project and written paper where the source is used. There is some evidence of effective organisation and linking of ideas. 60.00 to 69.00 %
There is some evidence of valid criteria for the evaluation of sources. Attempts to apply these material are almost entirely unsuccessful or highly superficial and not supported by discussion of the source. Attempts have been made to organise and link ideas, but these are largely unsuccessful. 0.00 to 59.00 %
There is little or no evidence of valid criteria for the evaluation of sources. Any attempt at evaluation is unclear or completely superficial, offering no actual discussion of the source. There is no evidence of an attempt to organise and link ideas clearly.
Reflection on the place of the source in the student’s research and writing
Weight 25.00% 90.00 to 100.00 %
Reflection makes links between specific elements of the source and specific stages or turning points in the research and writing process. Reflection generally shows a very good awareness of the research and writing process. Organisation and cohesion of this section are well managed. 80.00 to 89.00 %
Reflection attempts to make some links between specific elements of the source and specific stages or turning points in the research and writing process. These links may not always be clear or convincing. Reflection generally shows some clear awareness of the research and writing process. Organisation and cohesion of this section are, for the most part, well managed. 70.00 to 79.00 %
Reflection attempts to link specific elements of the source and specific stages or turning points in the research and writing process. These links may be generally superficial or unconvincing. Reflection shows some awareness of the research and writing process at one or two points. There is some evidence of effective organisation and linking of ideas. 60.00 to 69.00 %
Reflection makes almost no attempt to link specific elements of the source and specific stages or turning points in the research and writing process. Reflection may be superficial or show little or no awareness of the research and writing process. Attempts have been made to organise and link ideas, but these are largely unsuccessful. 0.00 to 59.00 %
Reflection may not be attempted at all or may be superficial throughout, with no clear reference to the source or the writing and research process. There is no evidence of familiarity with the process of research and writing. The way in which the text is structured and ideas are linked may make the text difficult to understand.
Style, Tone and Accuracy
Weight 25.00% 90.00 to 100.00 %
All parts of the assignment are written language appropriate to an academic assignment with only minor and occasional slips. A very good range of both sentence structures and lexis is used. Language used in the assignment is generally accurate with only occasional slips. 80.00 to 89.00 %
Most of the assignment is written in language appropriate to an academic assignment, with some slips into less appropriate registers. A good range of both sentence structures and lexis is used. Inaccuracies in punctuation, spelling, grammar and the use of lexis are present but are not intrusive and do not threaten meaning. 70.00 to 79.00 %
The text contains some language appropriate to an academic assignment, but much of the language may be informal and inappropriate. The text does not depend completely on simple sentences and the range of structures and lexis is used is sufficient to the task. Inaccuracies in punctuation, spelling, grammar and the use of lexis are frequent but and may be intrusive but do not generally threaten meaning. 60.00 to 69.00 %
There is little or no evidence that the writer is aware of academic register. The text is comprised almost completely of simple sentences and the range of structures and lexis is used is, in parts, barely sufficient to the task. Inaccuracies in punctuation, spelling, grammar and the use of lexis are frequent but and may be intrusive but do not generally threaten meaning. 0.00 to 59.00 %
The language used is stylistically inappropriate throughout. Simple sentenes are used throughout, or, where complex sentences are attempted, they are unsuccessful. The range of lexis used is not sufficient to the task. Language errors are frequent, intrusive and mean that meaning does not always come through clearly.