PURPOSE: Gauge your knowledge and understanding of Modules 1 to 3 content and your proficiency in designing a sheltered lesson plan differentiated specifically to address the strengths and needs of your case study.
REQUIRED: Use this template to complete this task – SIOP in Word Revised.docPreview the document.
Directions: Submit the following required elements in one cumulative paper or in four separate attachments. (5-20 pages, excluding cover page and reference list).
SIOP lesson plan
Copy of all the materials you will use in the lesson
Reflection about your thinking process while designing the lesson for your case study: a) how you designed the lesson plan with your case study’s strengths and needs in mind; b) what you found easy as well as challenging while completing this project; c) instructional philosophy related to ELLs that was strengthened and/or challenged while working on this assignment; d) scholarly resources that helped guide you throughout this task