Introduction: Word count target: 200-400 words.
The YES Side:Word count target: 400-600 words
The NO Side:Word count target: 400-600 words
Conclusion: Briefly conclude the paper by summing up the most salient points on both sides. Word count
target: 100-200 words.
– Use a minimum of 8 credible sources. Minimum means that if you use fewer than eight sources, your essay
will not receive a passing grade. At least 4 of the sources must be from the Delgado Library. Permalinks
from Delgado Library databases should be included at the end of the works cited citations. Provide a
functional permalink to electronic sources. Permalinks should be included at the end of the citation in the
works cited. I must be able to click the link and find the source in order to check it, so make sure the link
works. If the link does not lead me to a source, it will not count toward your eight required sources.
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