Perform research on a topic related to the time period in which To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee was set
The paper must be 4–6 pages in length and 750–1,000 words. The outline and works-cited list are not counted as part of the 4–6 pages.
The paper should include an outline.
You should research information from at least 5 sources, including at least two non-internet sources. One source must be a book, and one must be a reference work, such as an encyclopedia or dictionary.
The paper should contain a clear introduction, body, and conclusion, with a thesis statement in the introduction.
You should cite your sources within your paper using in-text (parenthetical) documentation.
The paper should include a list of works cited at the end.
The paper should follow the format for a research paper outlined in the MLA Handbook.
The paper should use at least one graphic, picture, illustration, chart, or graph to explain key concepts.
The paper should be typed and double-spaced, using 12-point font.