Guidelines for Religion in Popular Culture Report, Survey of World Religions
Assignment: Each student will write a report analyzing the worldview of a film, novel, poem,
painting, or song.
The student’s report will:
1. Include the name of the author or producer of the work.
2. Specify the form (film, novel, song,…)
3. Specify the worldview as specifically as possible (Abrahamic, Dharmic, Materialist,…)
that the work presents, and cite examples of how the author does this.
4. The work cited will have been produced anywhere in the world since the end of World
War II.
5. Follow exactly the format as given below.
6. Be submitted in Microsoft Word format.
7. Be submitted to the assignment folder as indicated on the Hills Portal for this course.
Purpose: This report will increase students’ awareness that the various worldviews compete for
influence in the culture. In fact, one could say that the whole purpose of any artistic medium is
to communicate the artist’s worldview either overtly or subliminally.
Outline: the report will be structured as follows:
1. Who. Who produced the work? In the case of a novel, for example, this would likely be
one person. In the case of a film, it would likely be more, and may include the actors.
2. What.
a. What form or genre is the work?
b. What was the extent of its cultural penetration?
3. Where. Where was the work set? In other words, what was its context?
4. When. When was the work first released to the public?
5. Why. Why did the author present this worldview? To answer this question, present:
a. Evidence from an author interview or statement, or…
b. Infer from the historical setting and context of the work, if no author interviews
are available.
Research. Provide a link to where the work can be accessed via the Internet, as well as any
supplemental resources used to analyze the work.
Style. Papers will be clearly written and facts accurately documented. No points are awarded
for style, but poor writing and documentation can negatively affect scoring.
Length. There is no set length, however, the report will be as concise as possible while
addressing the essential elements of information above.