Single use plastic consuming in restaurant gradually become great environmental problem in Hong Kong. No matter in takeaway food factory or general restaurant, we could see there is a significant consuming difference between different type of restaurant and serving fusion cuisine. Thus, we would like to quantify the single use plastic detrimental to the environment by having good methodology on analyzing such data. According to Figueiras (2018) point out, Only less than 1% of total plastic (i.e. 20 tonnes out of over 2000 tonnes plastic waste daily) could be use at recycling purpose. In another words, there are over 90% of them could be use only once before disposal and it could be defined as single use plastic item and it is become more and more controversial issue and debate in Hong Kong. On one hand, Hong Kong Environment Bureau always put energy issues, climate change problem and sustainable development on the top priority study in environmental protection guiding principles in Hong Kong. But on the other hand, there are minor policies and discussion for concerning about the single use plastic issue facing in Hong Kong except the Plastic Shopping Bag (PSB) charging full implementation in April2015. Beyond the PSB charging law enforcement, we cannot find any policies and effort to be put at the issue regarding the plastic solid waste problem. If we do not put enough public concerns about the single use plastic issues, the drawback and consequence could be catastrophe. For example, the overwhelming increase for single use plastic in different food industry, i.e. different types of restaurant serving food by single use plastic utensil etc. It could definitely detrimental to our landfill burden and accelerating the saturation of landfill sites in Hong Kong. Thus, this studies would like conducted quantifying single use plastic in Hong Kong restaurant, and evaluated the degree, types, ingredient and distribution of single plastic used in restaurant/food industry to cause any social-economic problems.
Figueiras, S. (2018). Five Hong Kong Recycling Myths That Will Shock You. [online] Green Queen. Available at: https://www.greenqueen.com.hk/amp/recycling-myths-hong-kong/ [Accessed 28 Aug. 2019].