This assignment will require that you integrate information from at least three key physiological systems: 1. Respiratory physiology 2. Cardiovascular physiology 3. Blood clotting mechanisms There are three broad learning objectives for this assignment: 1. To learn about a very common and potentially fatal disorder known as pulmonary embolism (PE). 2. To understand the potential sequelae of PEs on other organs such as the heart. 3. To learn about normal blood clotting mechanisms and how/why patients with PEs are treated with anticoagulants. In completing this assignment, you need to use the 5-Step Model of Cellular Respiration as the unifying model to understand the impact of PEs on the organismal physiology of humans. Ultimately, this story focuses on perhaps the most essential story of human biology: the need for continuous supply of adequate amounts of O2 to every cell in the human body. Successful completion of this assignment will also require that you understand when and where fundamental physical and chemical principles need to be applied. As just one example, you should appreciate the application of fundamental principles related to pressure, flow, and resistance. Additionally, it will be essential for you to understand basic issues related to pharmacological interventions for treating individuals who suffer from a PE. The assignment must be typed and a handwritten assignment will not be accepted. Make sure that you begin work on this early and do not wait until the last minute