WR1—Mattoon Name: __________________________
Essay #4: On Being
Basic Requirements:
Final submission due date: ______________
Value: 150 points
Format: MLA (see manuscript requirements on Canvas or OWL at Purdue)
Minimum Required Length: 7-9 MLA formatted pages
Include an MLA formatted list of works cited for all of the sources cited in your
Reflection (Brainstorm in preparation of forming your essay’s exigence: issue and its
Consider how being develop their sense of self, their being. What outside and inside
influences form who people become? What aspects of a person define their
beingness—gender, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic class, life experiences? How does
one perceive his or her environment and how is one perceived? How does the process
of learning about oneself and the surrounding world work? Also, consider if people’s
sense of self changes over their lifetimes and why it may change or not change.
1. Evaluate and judge the influences of the media, care givers, peers, and themselves
on what shapes people into whom they become.
2. Define your own specific exigence: Examine the problems that can arise when
people are not comfortable or happy with their beingness and/or are rejected by their
peers and others for not conforming to cultural norms.
3. Propose a solution for the adversity that people may feel when the are
marginalized or they isolate themselves because their beingness may not be in line
with their surrounding environment.
4. Use evidence: As well as your own reasoning, examples, and analyses, support
your argument’s assertions and reasoning with evidence (facts, statistics, experts’
opinions, and empirical experiences) in your essay from at least 3 of the class
readings including any assigned reading from previous units, and use evidence
form your own 3 found sources. In total, you should have at least 6 cited sources in
your paper.
Class Sources
Stephen Hawking and Leonard Mlodinow’s essay “The Elusive Theory of
Henry Petroski’s book excerpt “Falling Down Is Part of Growing Up”
Mellody Hobson’s TED talk “Color Blind or Color Brave”
Lisa Wade and Myra Marx Ferree’s essay “How to Do Gender”
Amy Ellis Nutt’s essay excerpt “From Becoming Nicole: The Transformation of
an American Family”
Any assigned class reading from previous units.
Found Sources
Conduct research through the library’s databases or credible Web sites to find three
articles with relevant data. Also, consider conducting your own field research with an
interview or a survey (which is also extra credit).
In a seven- to eight-paragraph essay, develop a thesis that states your main stance on
a particular exigence that focuses on a specific issue related to people’s sense of self.
Advance your thesis with five to six related supporting points.
Maintain your authority! Begin the paragraphs with your own assertions. Develop
your own reasoning and your own examples for why these are valid points. Create
original specific examples, not just from the outside sources. However, also integrate
the evidence from the sources into your discussion to back up your already asserted
and established ideas. Then analyze any data and examples to connect back to your
point. (AREA)
Cite your sources in your essay and develop a works cited page at the end of your
paper using MLA source documentation format. Use formal TAGs and provide author
credentials for each source. (See Canvas and OWL at Purdue Web site for the MLA
documentation guide for citing sources—accuracy is crucial.)
Build a logically progressive discussion of your thesis in consideration of your target
audience and intended purpose. Use an effective tone by considering your audience’s
sensibilities and concerns and the purpose for why you are asserting your main point
(thesis). Your tone is created by what you say and how you say it.
Consider your tone: use an objective tone; write for the public not for yourself. Also,
avoid using second person, first person plural, slang and colloquial expressions,
contractions, and flat words so that your ideas are clear and understandable. Rely on
your knowledge of vocabulary, and use a thesaurus to exercise definitions to fit the
exact ideas that you try to convey.
Tutor Conference EXTRA CREDIT OPTION—value 5 points
You are required to bring the tutor a complete draft of your essay and this prompt to the
conference. For each question, write thorough responses and explanations.
Date of your conference: ______________
Tutor’s Name: _____________________________
Tutor’s signature: ____________________________
Before you talk with a Writing Center Tutor:
Briefly summarize the Writing Prompt for the Formal Essay:
If you already have one, state your thesis:
Prepare three questions to ask so that the Writing Center tutor can help you as you
complete your formal essay.
Question 1:
Question 2:
Question 3:
After the conference:
Explain in detail how you plan to incorporate those suggestions and comments as you
revise your essay.
Answer to Question 1:
Answer to Question 2:
Answer to Question 3: