SPH 101: Informative Speech Assignment (125 points)
Topic: Inform us (give us new information or raise our awareness) about a topic of your choice.
Topic must be approved by the instructor. Note this speech should not be about you arguing
your opinion and should not try to persuade the audience; instead, teach us something or
provide new information.
Time limit: 5-7 minutes
Topic: ______________________________________
General Purpose: To inform
Specific Purpose: To inform my audience ___________________________________________
Central Idea: __________________________________________________________________
Structure/Organization: Develop an introduction, body, and conclusion. The body will be the
development of 3 main points introduced in a preview of the introduction, then transitioned to
within the body. Don’t forget to transition to a well-developed conclusion.
Evidence: You can use Eastern’s library services to find scholarly sources. You might also look
at Google scholar or other databases. You will cite sources (3 minimum) in the speech and in
your bibliography using MLA style
Audience Appeal: Rely on audience demographics and appeals to build identification with the
audience as relevant.
Audio/Visual Aids: Audio or visual aids are permitted for this speech.
Rehearse the speech 5–7 times out loud and in front of a live “audience” as possible. Practice
your target length using a stopwatch. Review the rubric below so you know what you will be
evaluated on to help you think about how to prepare. Remember to practice speaking
extemporaneously—speak from knowledge and your outline rather than memorizing or reading
a prepared manuscript!
Invention Process: In class, we will have “workshop” sessions so you can prepare the content,
organization, and audience identification of your speech.
Speech date: Your formal outline is due on the date you are scheduled to present your
informative speech. You will also provide listener feedback for one of your classmates on the
day you present.
Informative Speech Grading Rubric
Name: Date:
General Requirements:
Time: -30 (0:01-3:00) -20 (3:01-3:30) -15 (3:31-4:00) -10 (4:01-4:30) -5 (4:31-4:59)
-0 (5:00-7:00) -5 (7:01-7:30) -10 (7:31-8:00) -15 (8:01-8:30) -20 (8:31-9:00) -30 (9:01+)
Extemporaneous Delivery: -0 (good) -15 (some reading/memorization) -30 (read/memorized;
loss of two letter grades)
Working Outline: ______ Formal Outline(-25 if missing) ________ Listener Feedback (15 points)
NW=Needs work BA=Below Average A=Average AA=Above average E=Excellent
Speech Content
Three main points 0 6 7 8 10
Sources cited properly (three sources minimum) 0 6 7 8 10
Speech Audience Identification
Appropriate appeal (to emotion, familiarity,
vitality, proximity, significance, reality) 0 6 7 8 10
Ethos/Character 0 6 7 8 10
Speech Organization
Introduction captured interest 0 6 7 8 10
Clear central idea with preview of main points in intro 0 6 7 8 10
Transitions to main points and conclusion 0 6 7 8 10
Summary of main points in conclusion 0 6 7 8 10
Memorable conclusion that completes speech form 0 6 7 8 10
Speech Delivery
Oral Clarity (diction, rate, pitch, volume,
articulation, enunciation, pronunciation) 0 6 7 8 10
Nonverbal Delivery (eye contact, posture, poise,
gestures) 0 6 7 8 10