Marketing to Older Adults is different from marketing to other age groups. A few things to keep in mind
that you will find throughout your readings this week and that you want to watch when designing the
materials for your health campaign.
Avoid stereotypes
Not all older adults are the same, they are actually the most diverse group and they want to be represented
that way. Not all older adults are unhealthy and not all want to see gloom and doom, but at the same time
they are not all super healthy either. Remember “self efficacy”, they need to believe they can do it and
that this program is for them.
Consider changes with aging that can effect marketing, such as changes with vision and hearing
Use a larger font: minimum 12 pt
Use high contrast: Dark lettering on a light background
Have open space; don’t cram everything together
Watch your language
Avoid using terms like “old” or “anti-aging”
Brochure or flyer like